What is life insurance?
- Provides a lump sum on death or diagnosis with a critical illness.
- Helps your family and loved ones after you are gone.
- Can cover the cost of Loans & Mortgages.
- Can provide you with a lump sum of cash should you fall ill with a critical illness.
Be sure your family will be looked after when you’re no longer around. Life Insurance lets you make that happen. Policies pay out a lump sum of cash upon your death. You choose the amount that your policy pays out, as well as the length of time you’re covered for, putting you in control of the premiums you pay.
Don’t Delay!
Life Insurance* & Critical Illness Cover* can be complex, especially when you are in the military.
There are obstacles like coming ‘under orders’ and moving to areas of conflict.
It pays not to delay. We can provide military friendly insurance companies who will offer ‘standard rates’ as long as you are not under orders. Leave it too late and not only will it become hard to arrange it will also become too expensive.
*Forces Health will not provide advice on Life Insurance and Critical Illness products.
Your details will be passed on to our highly skilled partners who will conduct a fact find and make recommendations to you.
This is a no obligation service we offer and we will gain your consent before your details are passed over.
Call us on
Call one of our dedicated team to find out more or to simply arrange cover.